Spicy Black Beans over Roasted Butternut Squash

I have been craving spicy food.  I can only guess it has to do with the sub zero temperatures and wanting to warm up.  On Saturday, I woke up early and prepared the spices for the black beans to cook all day.  By 7pm, they were absolutely ready.  This recipe may look more complicated to cook than it actually is.  It was delicious and now we have a surplus of magnificent beans to use in other dishes or to freeze.


6 C Black Beans dried, soaked overnight 
3 Tbsp Olive oil
1 Onion
5 Cloves Garlic
4 Dried Chilis
1-2 Tbsp (roughly) of the following spices:
Mustard, ground from seed
Sea salt
4 Bay leaves
1/2 Butternut Squash, top half and the bottom can be used for a separate dish
Parmesan for topping


Basically, bring beans to a boil and add half of the olive oil and spices and all of the chopped onion and garlic.  After water begins to boil, turn down the temperature to a simmer and cook for 5 to 7 hours.  Half an hour before you are ready to eat, add the remaining half of the spices and prepare the squash.  Preheat oven to 380 degrees.  Peel and slice squash, slightly coat in olive oil and arrange slices on a baking sheet and cook on lowest oven rack for 25 minutes.  Pour beans over squash and add topping!  Yum.

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